Benefits Of Working In Canada-If you are seeing this article, it means that you wish to work in Canada and we are not surprised as Canada is one of the top destinations for a lot of immigrants around the world.
Canada has a lot of opportunities and this is one of the reasons immigrants are choosing Canada as their top destination to immigrate to. The country offers a favorable working condition to workers with attractive salaries and wages compared to some other countries of the world.
The door to immigrate to Canada is still wide open and it is not closing anytime soon as the Canadian government is looking to invite over 400,000 immigrants to the country this year so there is still a chance for you to come to Canada.
You might also be considering immigrating to other top countries like the United States, the UK or even Australia but what if we tell you that making up your mind to immigrate to Canada will be a decision you will forever be glad you made.
Anyways, we will be revealing some of the wonderful benefits of working in Canada.
So without further ado, let’s proceed…
7 Benefits of Working in Canada
Here are some of the benefits that come with working in Canada:
- Canada offers a great work-life balance
Did you know that working in Canada gives you enough time to be with your family? Many employers in Canada do not think that it would be nice keeping their workers away from their family as this could affect the efficiency of work.
In Canada, you get to work for lesser hours than the global working hours of 48 hours a week.
A lot of companies in Canada offer flexible working hours for their employees especially those with younger children and having a good work-life balance will help reduce stress and fatigue, lower the risk of burnout and also increase the efficiency of human capital which will in turn increase productivity.
- You enjoy employee benefits
As a worker in Canada, you get to enjoy some mandatory work benefits like maternity leave, pension fund, employment insurance and also paid vacation.
You are also entitled to every benefit of an employee in the company you are working and you get to enjoy healthcare benefits also. You also get to enjoy retirement benefits.
- There are a lot of jobs that are in demand in Canada
Canada has a lot of job opportunities and so you won’t have a problem landing a job in Canada. If you qualify for a job that is in demand in Canada, you are a step closer to getting the job.
There are a lot of jobs that are in demand in Canada and this is because there are few workers available for the jobs and so they need workers to come fill up those job positions.
Since the country is looking to fill up labour shortages, applying for a job that is in demand will certainly increase your chances of immigrating to Canada and also gaining permanent residence in the country.
Since these jobs are in demand in Canada, you also get to enjoy a favourable minimum wage as Canada boasts of one of the best minimum wages when compared to some other countries.
- Work experience in Canada can get you permanent residency
Getting Canadian work experience is going to increase your chances of getting permanent residence in Canada. If you have Canadian work experience, you can apply for Canadian Experience Class (CEC) which is a federal immigration stream under the Express Entry System.
Applying through this program will mean that you don’t have to prove that you have sufficient funds and your application process can take as short as three to four months.
- Job security
Do you know the relieve that comes with having the assurance that you won’t get laid off work suddenly and even if something happens to your job, you will certainly get compensation for it.
If you are ill or disabled, you won’t also have to bother about getting laid off as long as you can work when you recover.
So if you immigrate to Canada and become a permanent resident, you will be sure that you would work for a long period of time without fear of losing your job.
- You earn more
If you are looking at the top three countries of the work that pay high wages and salaries, Canada would be on that list. There are a lot of in-demand jobs in Canada and so employers are willing to pay higher salaries to retain their workers.
Working in Canada means that you will certainly earn higher than workers in some other countries.
The average salary you could earn in Canada per year could be around $51,500 to $57, 986 and this also depends on your level of experience, province and also the kind of job you do.
Some of the high paying jobs in Canada are engineering, law, healthcare and tech jobs.
- Work for shorter hours and get longer paid vacation
In Canada, full-time job is about 35 to 40 hours per week unlike that of other countries which is 40 to 44 hours per week in some other countries and this is why Canada is one of the top work destinations for a lot of immigrants.
You get to enjoy paid vacation which is a time you can spend with your family and loved ones but the length of the vacation will depend on the length of your employment.
So if you have worked with a company for less than five years, you are entitled to two weeks paid vacation and it can increase with the number of years you spend in that company.
The Canadian employers are considerate and love it when their workers are healthy and fit and so they believe that one way to do this is to create a favorable work environment and also promote a work-life balance for all workers so that they would work well and increase productivity.
Frequently Asked Questions
The average salary in Canada is around $44,994 per year or $22.23 per hour. This depends on the province, work experience and qualification. Entry-level positions start at $30,237 per year while experienced workers could earn about $90,487 per year.
In as much as Canada is a very good place to live and work in, here are some disadvantages of living in Canada:
- City life in Canada is expensiveTaxes are highHouses are expensive
Canada has one of the best standards of living in the world and so life in Canada is not hard compared to some of the top countries of the world. The cost of living is fair and you get to enjoy some work benefits if you are working in Canada.
Canada is a land of opportunities and so there are a lot of jobs in Canada. The country is experiencing labour shortages and so it is looking to bring in foreign workers to come fill up the labour shortages and so getting a job in Canada is not difficult. You can just go through some Canadian job websites to see the jobs that are available in Canada.
You must have lived in Canada for at least three years out of the last five years before applying for Canada citizenship.
Yes, you can find a job in Canada even without having work experience. You could get the job if you have a Canadian education or you are already
Final Note
Canada offers you a lot of working benefits in the country and in this period when Canada is welcoming immigrants from different countries, you will have to take this opportunity and see how you can immigrate to Canada to work.
Working in Canada also brings you closer to getting permanent residency and if your wish to live and work in Canada, there are a lot of immigration programs through which you can move to Canada.
You can go through a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC) as they know every detail and information about moving to Canada. They will tell you if you qualify for a work permit, how you can apply for permanent residency and even help you in doing it to.
So make the right decision and be in your way to Canada.
Reference top 5 benefits of working in Canada – advantages of working in Canada – pros and cons of living in Canada – the ten highest and ten lowest paying jobs in canada
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